♥ Tulpi.nl

Promoting our lovely chair....<3 Tulpi's....Totally! :-) Tulpi's already 'flower' in several parts of the world, including Germany and Japan. For more info see the amazing website: www.tulpi.nl for info!

Amazing Museum architecture | Taipei, Taiwan

Texas based OTA+ design concept for a new museum in Taipei Taiwan apparently was not selected, but oh my oh my look at this...!! Read and see much more via: http://www.frameweb.com/news/new-taipei-city-museum-of-art-proposal-by-ota-?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=frame+magazine

Or have a direct look at the OTA+'s website: http://www.otaplus.com/architecture/taipei-museum-of-art/

Juxtapoz Magazine

When you are crazy about art and design check this website: http://www.juxtapoz.com/
And then you will see amazing things like:

I'm quoting: 'Polish painter Tomek Sętowski has one amazing imagination. He is creating what he calls "magical surrealism," aka, a very inventive mind. Endless details, mythical worlds, a sort of never-ending story meets prehistoric meets 3,000 years into the future is what we are getting from the Polish artist's work.'

Gorgeous Booksculptures!

Gorgeous huh? I am SO in love with booksculptures! Artist Su Blackwell is very,very good at it! See also: http://www.sublackwell.co.uk/

Talking about Super Sexy design...

Look at this! Spotted this @ design-dautore.com : 'A pedestrian bridge in the city of Esch-Alzette which is the second biggest city after the capital Luxembourg. The object by architecture studio Metaform Architects'